
May 20, 2020

Sonny Melendrez - Community Engagement Consultant

圣安东尼奥学院六名优秀的设计专业二年级毕业生在今年的年度设计竞赛中获得了荣誉. 该项目:一个新的教会区解说门户和社区中心,帮助游客了解许多自然环境, historical, 和文化资源,包括世界遗产区,并为传统上服务不足的圣安东尼奥地区提供社区设施. 

Event History
SAC建筑项目有一个悠久的传统,为所有即将毕业的大二学生举办为期六周的毕业竞赛 design studios.  At the conclusion of those six weeks, 这些项目将在机会学术中心的走廊上展示,并邀请来自全市和州的评委首先选出前六个项目, second and third prizes as well as three honorable mentions.

Afterward, those six projects, along with additional Faculty Choice projects, 被搬到圣安东尼奥美国建筑学院的建筑中心,在那里,这些作品被公开展出,并在第二天晚上的闭幕招待会上得到认可.

Virtual Pivot
COVID-19对这一春季传统构成了重大挑战,面对两者,人们很容易放弃这一传统, losing one full week and 学生们只能依靠自己的笔记本电脑远程在家工作.  But both architecture program sophomores and 教职员工坚定地承诺,尽管面临这些挑战,他们仍将坚持下去.  

克里斯托弗·维莱特(Christopher Verette)领导的兼职教师发现了一个通常由大学艺术系使用的虚拟展览馆, 并将其拨作45个学生虚拟展板展出之用.  Invited jurors from the University of Houston, Texas Tech, University of Texas, San Antonio, 和圣安东尼奥拉丁裔建筑小组的联合主任都同意参观画廊,并连续几晚进行虚拟选择,直到确定最后的六个获奖作品.  

美国建筑师协会圣安东尼奥分会(AIA SA)承诺制作一个现场网络研讨会虚拟招待会,108名专业和学术团体的成员注册参加. Then, on the evening of Thursday, May 14, a Zoom webinar was held and all exhibiting students, their faculty and jurors were on hand to honor at the publicly attended the online event. 

Visit the Virtual Gallery here

Competition Winners:
1)一等奖(由拉丁美洲建筑协会赞助500美元):Mitzi Chairez Rodriguez

2) Second Prize ($250) - Diana de la Trinidad

3) Third Prize ($100) - Ashton Ezell

4) Honorable Mention ($50) - Nixon Maldonado

5) Honorable Mention ($50) - Blue Davis

6) Honorable Mention ($50) - Baraa Abdolkarim-Gamboa

Invited Jurors:
1) Luis Ahumada -拉丁美洲建筑联合主任- AIA成员组

2) Sedef Doganer/Armando Araiza - UTSA建筑主席和助理主席

3)迪特马·弗罗里希——休斯顿大学副院长. Hines College of Architecture

4) Darrick Wade——德克萨斯理工大学对外事务助理院长

兼职全职/兼职教员Christopher Verette, 是谁孜孜不倦地编排和策划了整个展览馆, was emcee. Exceptional support also came from Torrey Carleton, director of AIA SA, who also served as webinar host, Deborah Martin from Alamo Colleges and Belinda Sanchez, communications & events manager, AIA SA. 没有这些,虚拟接收就不可能实现.

Architecture Program Coordinator Dwayne Bohuslav said, “COVID 19 be damned, but social distancing respected, 2020年大二设计竞赛虚拟接待延续了圣安东尼奥学院建筑项目的传统 novel way!”

Interested in design? Explore your possibilities at San Antonio College.


图片说明:SAC建筑系学生Nixon Maldonado正在家中进行他的大二设计竞赛项目.