教学中心 into Third Year Offering ACUE Credential


Russell Guerrero -战略沟通协调员

在经历了冠状病毒大流行引发的艰难开局之后, the 教学中心 is now into its third year offering faculty a credential through the Association of 大学 and University Educators (ACUE).

The Credential in Effective 大学 Instruction is the only college educator credential available in the nation and it gives faculty research-based teaching strategies to help students both online and in the classroom.

joan-jaimes.jpg “The mission of ACUE is to ensure student success and equity through quality instruction,” said Dr. 琼·詹姆斯,教学中心主任. “It is an investment 圣安东尼奥学院 is putting into faculty and their professional development.”

获得证书是开放的辅助, 兼职, and full-time faculty at SAC as well as teachers who are partners in the early college high school program or the dual credit program.

首次提供于2020年2月, the credential courses were halted while the college transitioned to remote learning. 然而, the credential courses soon returned online and many faculty in the first cohort came back to start again. 从那时起, two cohorts have completed the credential and most of the educators who have enrolled in the classes are 75 percent into earning the full credential.

The credential is composed of four microcredentials, each on a different topic:

  • 促进在线主动学习
  • 创造一个包容和支持的在线学习环境
  • 在您的在线课程中激发探究和终身学习
  • 设计以学生为中心的课程

Each microcredential contains between six to eight modules and takes about two months to complete.

ACUE证书图形副本.jpg有两种途径可以获得证书. The first is to commit an academic year to pursuing the four microcredentials one after the other. The second is to enroll in microcredential courses at different times and completing the credential over an extended period. Since they are not in a sequential order, an educator can begin with any microcredential. After finishing each microcredential, an educator will receive a badge to mark their progress.

The modules for the microcredentials are taught in a hybrid environment. Educators can work at their own pace through the modules in Canvas and can meet on Fridays on Zoom for discussions on the lessons. 课程一次限制为33人.

In addition, there is a separate microcredential that is offered but not part of the full credential. 它被称为包容性教学促进公平学习.

Jaimes said the 教学中心 is now recruiting interested educators to begin the program for Summer and Fall 2022.

从周一开始, 6月6日, educators can take one of two microcredentials that will be offered for the summer:  Designing Student Centered Courses, a stackable microcredential that goes to earning the full credential, 全纳教学促进公平学习.


对于想要获得完整证书的教育工作者, 课程将于星期五开始, 9月16日, 并于2023年5月结束. 注册完整证书的截止日期是7月6日星期三.

The 教学中心 will also offer three microcredentials in Fall 2022; two are stackable and go toward completing the full credential: Inspiring Inquiry and Preparing Lifelong Learners in your Online Course and 创造一个包容和支持的在线学习环境. The third offering will be Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning.

All three will begin on Monday, October 3, 2022, and will end before the Winter Break. 报名微证书的截止日期是7月6日星期三.

To learn more, including attending informational sessions hosted by ACUE, visit the SAC ACUE网页 或联络博士. 琼·詹姆斯 jjaimes23@ngskmc-eis.net or 210-486-0413.
